Marketing Optimization Ideas To Keep Your Audience

Senzo Ngobese
Optimizing your marketing strategy just came a lot more fun and creative as the need to evolve and become agile is the new norm.  With  8 billion people in the world and according to Datareportal, more than 59% of the world uses social media. The average daily time spent on it is 2h 29 minutes. Facebook, the largest global social media platform had 2.96 billion monthly users in the third quarter of 2022. And we all know that numbers don’t lie and so do advertisers. With that knowledge marketers and advertisers have put over  4 million of their budgets behind Google AdWords. What does that tell you? 

Online is where it's all happening and will be for a long time to come. And that means, your job of getting consumers and potential ones to complete a sale just got harder and a lot more interesting than ever before. 

So, how will you do it? We’ve put together this guide for easy-to-implement ideas.  

Know Your Audience

It’s important to do research on who your actual audience is. These are the consumers who respond to your content, visit your website and complete their user journey. Social media insights is a great tool in understanding who your audience is, to be more specific; their unique characteristics and specific traits such as;

  • Age
  • Demographic
  • Interests
  • Behaviours
  • Location

This kind of information helps you to better understand your audience’s preferences and behaviour habits. With this information, you’re in a better position to create content that will be will best reach them through your marketing. 

Marketing Message

Now that you’re audience is established, it's important to create organic content, creative graphics and copy that is aimed at your audience and potential audience. Speak to their needs and interest and shy away from going with the trends where they may not resonate with them. For paid media content, do not create a one-size-fits-for-all ad campaign. Run different ad sets for each specific audience.


Ever noticed how you’ll visit a website, after a two-page landing, leave it and only find the same website advertising its specials on your time feed? That is called retargeting. One of the most effective paid marketing forms. With the use of Pixel, a tool available on AdWords and Facebook, you’re able to track user behaviour on your website and in turn, use the very same user behaviour information to market back to them. 

User-Generated Content

This is marketing optimization not to be slept on. It is one of the most impactful marketing optimization methods that truly resonate with a brand’s audience. It’s because, its content is created by users, consumers and customers of a brand, service or product. After all, people are more inclined to trust the review of another customer than a brand ambassador. And it comes in many formats, from images, videos, written reviews or even blog posts. Consumers giving their unfiltered reviews of your products and brand can have an immense impact on your brand. 

Understand SEO

Search Engine Optimization is not what it used to be. It’s become a lot more complex with a need for a strategic approach. Hence, understanding your audience and creating a buyer persona becomes key. By doing so, you’re able to write with their pain points in mind. From there onwards, use relevant keywords that your audience would use in searching for their pain points. Free tools like Google Keyword Planner are a great starting point for researching the correct keywords. Other paid tools like Semrush help you to understand the competitive landscape of the keywords as well as to find out their monthly search volume. Google Analytics is another great tool for SEO. When it comes to blog writing, it's not always about the word count that might land your blog on Google’s first page, it's also about the quality of the post. 

SEO Tips:

  • Always include the keyword in the first and last 100 words. 
  • Include the keyword in every 100-200 words throughout the body of your blog post. 
  • Include the keyword in your title, heading, and subheadings.
  • Include keywords in the meta descriptions and in the alt text.

Data Analytics

The use of data analytics is a, sure enough, way of seeing if your marketing efforts are hitting the audience's sweet spot. It’s also able to give you a definitive idea of whether your marketing campaigns and techniques are meeting your strategic objectives. By investing in marketing analytics tools like SEMrush, Google Analytics and BuzzSumo you’ll be able to keep track of how your campaigns and organic content are performing. This will give you a clear picture of what content is working and what campaigns need to be refined within your marketing strategy.